Rural Farm Projects and Water Wells
Our largest enterprise is the development of arable land in northern Uganda. The land is naturally a combination of jungle and heavy brush and hand-clearing is quite the laborious task. It is being hand-cleared and planted with crops of corn, beans, casava, ground-nuts (peanuts), and pine trees to name a few. Started in 2012, this project provides labor and food for the surrounding villagers and the first farm became self-sustaining in 2015. Over 800 women are currently involved on four farms. Your donation will help with the further clearing and preparation of the land for more women and widows to not only provide sustaining crops but cash crops for market. Men have also formed a community farm, piggery, and self-sustaining oxen plough business.
Throughout the District we maintain and repair over 15 water wells and dig new wells where needed - providing clean water to schools and communities
Income-Generating Projects Video
Known as Table-Banking, empowers these widows to self-sustaining employment. Catering, shop-keeping, chicken and goat raising as just a few!
Education for Older Children - 2.5 Million Orphans in Uganda
Vulnerable Children. Early Marriages. Witchcraft. Sexual Predators. Sex Slavery.
This is what children, mostly girls, face when leaving Primary School. Children rarely stay in school past the age of 12, including children sponsored in private Christian schools. Yet this is when girls and boys are the most vulnerable. Staying in school is one of the safest things a girl can do to protect herself and you can directly help. Even boys are directionless, unskilled, and vulnerable to sexual predators. You can help keep these children in school past puberty. Primary School costs as little as $40 A YEAR!!

All Secondary Schools including government schools require tuition and fees.Thomas Charities fully supports several students in secondary schools within Uganda. The vast majority of children have no access to schools of any quality. Government (public) schools still require payment beyond the capability of the vast majority of families. With over 2.5 million orphans, the country is largely uneducated. Please consider sponsoring a child or two for secondary schools.
Your donation will pay for tuition, room and boarding for a child to attend a secondary school including the purchase of their own textbooks which schools do not provide, personal care items, and general medical care your child may need. Secondary School costs on average $100/month.
You can have a direct impact on the life of a child and literally save a life.

Thomas Charities takes avid fiscal responsibility with all donations. We pay all school fees directly through the school's bank and our in-country staff makes regular visits to insure your child is taken care of properly.
Secondary Schools require upon admission many items such as a mattress, chair, bag of cement, feminine supplies, charcoal pan, jerry can, their own plate and utensils, all workbooks and school supplies, uniforms, other fees, etc. So just enrolling in school can cost upwards to $400 before starting.
You can be a part of changing someone's life forever.
We also accept donations of books (any kind), sewing supplies, school supplies, and medical supplies. Please contact us below if you have any of those item to donate. Thank you!
Pleases mail donations to the following address:
P.O. Box 88, Landenberg, PA 19350.
Telephone: 610-234-0088.

Mobile Medical Clinics Northern Uganda
One two week mobile clinic can treat upwards to 4,000 patients. We team up with local Ugandan doctors and pharmacists, purchase medical supplies in-country, and partner with other medical personnel from around the United States to provide a much needed service for those who have no access to any kind of medical care. Care is provided to all patients without regard to tribe or religion. About 20 percent of our patients are Muslim. Our mobile medical clinics travel throughout northern Uganda.
Each year hundreds of patients have to be turned away due to lack of personnel. There is a great need for Medical Doctors, Dentists, and Ophthalmologists. Any and all other medical backgrounds can be applied. Don't have a medical background? No problem. There are jobs for everyone! Please contact us under the "Get Involved" link if interested.