Real People.

"For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother.'" Deuteronomy 15:11
Tangible Results.

We are a Christian nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to empowering and encouraging those without resources to achieve community sustainability.
Our Vision
- Transformed Lives through the Work of the Holy Spirit
- Established Christ-Centered Communities
- Restored Relationships with God and Each Other
For the Glory of God.

Goro Training Center is fully operational!
Providing Biblical Training,
Literacy and Life Skills Classes year-round!
2024 Capital Campaign
for the New Medical Clinic and Maternity Care Center!

Urgent Capital Funding Need for Vital Medical Equipment, Imaging,and Exam Rooms and Backup Electrical Generator
This 12-bed facility treats 300 to 500 Patients per month in this remote region where the nearest medical facility is a costly half-day's journey away. Over 100 babies have been delivered and robust ante-natal care is given to the mothers and newborns! Being a Sustaining Supporter will have lasting IMPACT !

Changing Lives!
Legacy Sponsors Needed for the Hospital and
Vocational School/Media Center!
The Gateway Construction of the future Goro Community Center Complex will include the following facilities:
Level IV Health Center (Small Hospital), Library/Media Center, Vocational School, Literacy Center, Grain Storage Facility, 13,500 Sq-ft Multi-Purpose Pavilion, and a Solar-powered Irrigation Demonstration Farm!
Phase 1 will be the Multi-Purpose Open Air Pavilion whose roof will hold the solar panels that will supply the power for the entire complex including solar-powered deepwater wells!
Giving the Gift of Food Security, Health, and Education
Current News and Needs
- Irrigation Wells (solar-powered) needed for the Women's Farms to combat drought - $36,000 for 3 wells. Please Donate!
- NEW water wells for 3 villages Video on Challenges in Karamojo
- 16 deep clean-water wells have now been put into operation and many more are needed.
- 4 Women's Farms and Men's Farms and Animal Husbandry! Over 800 villagers working together!
- Please visit our FaceBook page for updated postings!
- We NEED SPONSORSHIPS for over twenty fatherless Secondary/Vocational students
This Registry will take you to the MyRegistry site where you may purchase items listed that will be shipped to our Pennsylvania site for shipment to Uganda via Air or Shipping Container. Most items on the list are for Medical Mission Support and Education.
Collecting Year-Round
School Supplies: Pens, Pencils, Notebooks, backpacks, 1 Gal and 2 Gal Zip-Loc Bags, rulers, etc.
Medical Supplies: First-Aid, BP cuffs, Diabetes testing supplies, gloves, etc.
Soccer Equipment—Balls, Cleats, etc.
Sewing machines, scissors, needles, pins, thread, purses, string bags, totes
Bubble Wrap, Toiletries - toothbrushes, soap, lotions, toothpaste, etc.
Thomas Charities is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and a Registered NGO in Uganda.
Donations are Tax-Deductible to the extent permitted by law.